Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Some more ramblings and an idea!

Oh look, more lack of updates. Sorry guys. If anyone actually reads this that is...
So, some rambling. More and more, I've come to believe that Windows (the computer operating system that is) hates me. It crashes. Freezes. Doesn't save things when I tell it too. I know it may work well for other people... But I swear, WINDOWS HATES ME. It makes me sad. *sad face* All I want is a computer to game and draw on... *punts Windows* Be nice to me! *Pouts*
So onto some rambling about my art work.
OH MY GODS LADIES AND GENTLEMEN I GOT COMMISSIONED! In other words, someone is paying me to draw something for them! Ten bucks! Woo hoo! I'm on my way to no longer being a starving artist! Ha ha!
Also, there's a contest on dA... To draw a colossus. And my sketch so far looks AWESOME. Imagine a spider body, "human" torso with the arms bandaged to the chest. A cloth around the mouth and another around the eyes. And it's 150 feet tall~ *grins* Good luck killing it~ That's for the "death" Rift.
My second idea is to draw an insect (either dragonfly or butterfly) with a pitcher plant on it's back. The pitcher plant is the one in control. Heh heh. That one is still in the works. It's for the "life" Rift.

And now... For my idea...
As most of you know, I am a writer. I write and I want to publish a book. Several books acutally.
But more and more, the idea of leaving my stories in the hands of an actual publish is making me get cold feet about the idea.
You could have the most awesome story in the world. No plot holes or anything.
But if they don't think it will sell...
They'll ask you to make huge changes in order for them to even consider selling it. Get rid of this character, drop this chapter, change the ending, add in a character who acts like this... By the end of it all you could have a completly butchered version of your story... And they still may not sell it! Heck, they may ask you to make more changes!
Now, for some writers, this is easy. They view a story and their characters as non-living things and thus, they don't care about making changes like this. As long as they can get some version of their story on the market, they are happy.
BUT. I'm not like that.
My stories are very precious to me. I'd love to say like children to me, but since I don't have kids yet, I don't know how it feels to love a kid. But you get the idea. I can't just change things when they make perfect sense in the story. Sure, I don't mind changing things if there is a gaping plot hole or if something doesn't make sense. But to get rid of a character the publishers think will drag the book down will create plot holes. So you have to fill in those plot holes by making some changes to other chacacters. But that creates more plot holes! And then you have to make more changes.
So I can't risk my story being butchered like that. I can't even write stories where I would make the changes like that just to get my name out there so they will be less likely to ask for changes in my really special stories. I would become attached to the characters and the story and any little changes I would make would just kill me.
So, what am I going to do? Well, I'll get my stories edited for grammar and spelling and plot holes. My Dad would be great for this, if he had the time. Considering he just got hired to edit papers and such for a Major General in the Canadian Military and he's an avid reader I'm pretty sure he is qualified to edit stories for me. And once my stories are edited... I'll put the first chapter up here. Just the first chapter. And eventually, I'll sent up a paypal donation. For probably about $3.50, the person donating would recieve the rest of my story in a non-editable file (if I can do that... I'm pretty sure I can do that..!). And eventually, once I make enough money, I'd turn my stories into actual books. The people who already donated would get their books for free (I would sign them too!) and then... We'll see. I can't risk my stories being ruined by a publisher. I may try to send it around first, but if they ask me to make any huge changes despite no plot holes...
Up here my stories will go!
And I know this will be hard. I know I will likely not become a famous writer this way.
But my goal isn't for ME to be known...
It's for my characters and my characters' stories to be known. Their stories can only be told one way, and to drop a major plot element or character is to change the story.
So wish me luck guys!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Ho hum very well.

I've been neglecting to post... Gah! Sorry guys. *hugs*

So let me start with HI! I am currently singing Disney songs. Mulan's "Reflection" to be precise. Song damn near makes me cry every time. It's beautiful. *nods*

Oh oh. I have le prom dress! Yes yes. I am going prom. Surprise surprise! Heh heh. Well, I should be fine. At least one of my good friends is coming too, so I won't be completely alone.

But anywho. Guess what today is?!
No, not my birthday you dunces (that was last month!).
Today is the International Day Against Homophobia. So, I plan on drawing a picture for it. Which I shall start on after this post. See, I have a bisexual character, and I plan on drawing him sitting down while another male character kisses his cheek. Love is love is love people! Goodness.  I hope it will turn out well. *smiles*

Oh and I got the most wonderful review on my picture of Thana!

This one here. Is it not amazing? Made me very happy indeed. It is for a contest on DeviantART and the person who gave the wonderful review was one of the contest creators... Ha ha! I think I stand a chance in this contest! Whoo wooh!

Well, I shall be off now. Time to start on that picture of Takeshi and his knew friend!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Dance Heza Dance!

Ah, the joys of being friends with people who I'm not even sure like me all that much. *grins* Some drama yesterday during my dance class, and I have a feeling it will only continue, but you know what? I am a duck. No matter how far you push me under the water, when I pop back up the water simply rolls off my feathers. So mleh! *sticks out tongue*

And with that, hello people who read this! How are you all today? Good? Bad? Drugged up on Gravol (that's what I was last night heh heh)?
Well, that's all good and dandy. I'm having a pretty good day myself. After class, I plan on nipping down to the Caf to see if they have any cinnamon buns. I. LOVE. CINNAMON BUNS. Seriously. If I could live off of them, I would. The Caf usually bakes them and serves them fresh, so they are warm and gooey and covered with icing glaze.... Waaaaah I need to learn how to make them! When I get home, once I finsih my laundry, that's what I shall do! Find a recipe and bake! Woot woot!

Oh oh. The Roleplay yesterday was VERY squee worthy. Poor little Thana and Vick, so confused by their conflicting feelings. Vick likehs teh Thana, oh yes, but he still has feelings for Des AND he's still technically married. Then there's Thana... Never been in a real relationship before and she's been remembering and getting lost in the past far to often as of late. Being with Vick scares her AND makes her happy. AT THE SAME TIME. Wonder if they will ever get over it? Maybe when they go to visit Thana's family, and hopefully by then Vickikins will be divorced. Basma will certainly have fun messing with Vick. She's a trickster!
I also have more plot for the Roleplay afterwards heh heh... Involving giving Fanzam an opportunity to forceably take Rida back. Too bad for him, Tackynam will remember the way things are supposed to be and try to put a stop to Fanzam's games! Well, really it's DART'S game cause there's a certain condition to time travel he will conviently forget to tell Fanzam. Heh heh. Baaad Darty-boy!

And on another note, it's my friend Harta's birthday! Ha ha! Happy birthday friend! I hope it is le awesome!

Have a good day everyone~

Monday, May 9, 2011

Ho hum.

I am le sick. Fun. AND I'm doing a presentation in front of my photography class. Double fun. Took some gravol and nearly passed out in writer's craft class. I really do hate the unit we're on. Creative non-fiction. Yes, let's encourage people to put a bias into their interviews and reviews. Blech. We don't need the bias. I want cold hard fact dammit! Not this wishy-washy stuff. Why can't we do something fun, like video game plot? It's entirely different from regular story plot and a thousand more times as fun as creative non-fiction.

Well, hopefully this will be a quick unit... We're doing scripts sometimes soon and THAT will be much more fun! I have a few ideas in mind, but nothing definite yet... Hmm, maybe I'll use that dream I had. You see, I had a dream a few days ago about a girl from the Final Fantasy game, Crisis Core. Her name is Cissnei. In the game, at point she just vanishes and that's the last you see of her. In my dream, someone was trying to get her to join some group thing but she was resisting. And was then she was being beaten. By someone with a baseball bat.
It needs some meat on them bones, but it would be interesting no?

Oh, time to present. Wish me luuuck. Heh heh.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Montreal and sickness

Dude. Yesterday was AWESOME. Montreal is such a great city and now one glared at me for not being French! Yaaaay! I took some amazing pictures that I will put onto my dA account soon (that would be Branwennwolf) and I'll put a few on here. I also got this cool necklace thingy with a pretty rock in it. It's a dark teal. A very pretty colour.

But after 6+ hours of walking yesterday, I am currently sick. Sore throat, headache and achey joints. Just what I need when I have friends coming over! Woot woot. Ah well. Hopefully I'll get better as the day continues on. We're going to an art gallery that's hosting a contest that my picture is in! My picture is currently hanging in there. I am not worried about the contest results, because like I always think, it doesn't matter if I win or lose. The fact I made an awesome picture that I am proud of is good enough for me.

The Roleplay from two days ago (yesterday we had no time to do any roleplaying) was absolutely adorable! Thana smacked Vick for getting into trouble then felt bad and gave him a kiss. I will have to draw that. I also have to draw this neat picture of Vick.. Here's a hint at what I will draw, in the form of song lyrics:

" I believe in nothing, not in Satan, not in God."

Heh heh. Have fun guessing at my plans! (Rio, you already know, so no guessing for you!)

Well, my friends will be here in 15minutes. Off I go!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

And now, I am le stupid.

Well, good little excitable me decided it would be a GREAT idea to jump the last four stairs from them dance studio to the change room and only land on one foot.

My foot was KILLING me. Lots of pain. It would kinda go away, but when I started putting weight on it again, it would ache.
It went away after a while.
But when I got home, I decided to jump the last few stairs into the basement and land on the same foot.
And now, it's hurting even WORSE. Tomorrow is going to SUCK if I messed it up in some way. 8+ hours walking around a strange, french city?

I am le awesome.

Well, awesome for posting for three days in a row. Just gotta start putting up art... But before I do, I WOULD, however, like to direcrect your attetion to THIS:


This very adorable flash was made by Nayzak on deviantART. Nayzak is a Muslim and came across a very Islamphobic picture on the site, obviously put up to cause trouble. Nayzak, knowing that any comment he would make to correct the statements would simply be deleted, decided to respond by making this flash. It's very well done and a good read. Go take a look!

Now what else to talk about... Oh I am going to Montreal tomorrow! Woot woot! Won't be back till 8:30 PM, so don't expect an update on this blog till after I've come home. I'm looking forward to this trip. I should be able to finish of quite a few of my photography projects, like the ABC assignment.

Oh I wish I had some Roleplay to ramble about, but sadly, due to both me and my friend being busy last night, we didn't get much done.... Heh heh. Perhaps I will have some for you tomorrow? Depends on what happens tonight.
But my friend drew a VERY awesome picture of Thana and Vick and I loooooved it. She should put it on deviantART yes she should!
And my picture of Thana is going well. I started colouring it yesterday and BY THE GODS it is amazing! Her hair looks beautiful and her skin looks very realistic(for my kind of style). I had to use... Four filters to get the skin right but it was worth it! And the flower on her leg is awesome. Neon colours and a symbol of who Thana is and the placement of the flower is how Thana currently thinks of herself. Oh I love character development.

Hmm, I need to put up more self photos tonight on dA for the assignment. We're showing them off in class soon. When I get home, I should do that.

Well, goodbye for now! Here is a picture of Thana. This the just the pencil drawing, because, like I said yesterday, I'm colouring the picture of Thana on the computer.